Commission a custom ORLAWITHAFADA piece.

  • Dream it.

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to recreate the vase that sat on your grandmother’s kitchen table for 50 years that suspiciously went missing after a visit from her sister. Maybe you want a teapot that would hold enough tea for your entire extended family during your once-a-decade family reunions held in your great-aunt’s house, where you notice a very similar vase to your grandmother’s on her mantle. Maybe you want a custom sherry decanter to gift to your great-aunt so that she falls asleep at the party, while you re-enact the heist from ‘Oceans 11’ in her living room to get your granny’s vase back.

  • Design it

    Fill out the form below and tell me about your idea (heist plans not mandatory, but very welcome). What features are you set on? What are you open to some creative direction on? Think colours, size and shapes, as well as function, form, and design.

    I’ll get back to you within 3-5 business days and let you know if the idea works with my style and the capabilities of clay (and me!), and we can get to work on a design.

  • Build it.

    After we’re both satisfied with the design, I’ll get to work on building your idea! This stage usually takes 6-8 weeks, as I have to allow ample time for the clay to dry before firing, as well as time for anything else that needs to be done to the piece before/after firing.

    If you’re in a rush for a piece, send me an email and I’ll see what I can do, but your piece may need to be redesigned slightly to allow for the time constraints.

Let’s work together

Interested? Fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you within 3-5 business days!

If you have any photos of your designs or similar works that you like, send them on to with your full name + ‘commission’ as the subject heading.